Remington's PBR Shader
PBR² is a fully-implemented surfacing shader built for physically based rendering (PBR).
That’s not all though! PBR² offers additional parameters that give artists artistic control over any project that they are working on.

- Surface Color: The albedo/diffuse color of the surface of the material.
- AO: Ambient occlusion.
- AO Strength: Strength multiplier for ambient occlusion.
- Surface Roughness: Roughness of the surface of the material.
- Surface Normal: Normal vector of the surface of the material.
- Metallic: Metallic areas of material.
- Rim Color: Effects the fresnel color on the edge of metallic materials.
- Rim Strength: Effects the strength of the rim color.
- SSS Color: Color of the SSS shader.
- SSS Strength: Strength of the SSS shader.
- SSS Texture Blur: Texture blurring properties of the SSS shader.
- Clearcoat Roughness: Roughness of the clearcoat on top of the material.
- Clearcoat Reflectivity: Opacity/strength of the clearcoat.
- Clearcoat Normal: The normal vector of the clearcoat.
- Transparency: Mixes in transparency with the material.
- IOR: Index of refraction for refractive materials.
- Displacement: The physical displacement of the material.
- Displacement Strength: Strength multiplier for displacement.