Volumetric Water Shader
RealWater is a photo-realistic water shader for Cycles that packs the power of advanced volumetric shading and improved refraction into one easy-to-use package.
RealWater is engineered to reflect large bodies of water, such as oceans, lakes, rivers, and ponds, but it can be used for much more. That includes Jell-O, fogged glass, and slime!
RealWater comes with the RealWater node, a node-based breakdown of the refractive and volumetric shaders, and a color palette for red, yellow, green, and blue tinted waters.

Color: The color of the water volume.
Roughness: The roughness of the water surface.
Density: The density of the water volume.
Anisotropy: The tendency for the volume to seek light.
IOR: The refractive index of the water surface.
Normal: The usual vector normals you get on any shader.